Piceance Creek/Sand Wash Basin trip, #2 – 4/12

May 26, 2012

Continuing our day driving towards Cathedral Bluffs. I’m going to add some photos from other trips that include an area (Tommy’s Draw) that we did not go to on this particular day. If we had continued to the left where we turned right, the following images detail what we would have seen.

Driving down a two-track at Tommy’s Draw.

There’s a cabin at the end of the two-track.

And a spring that the horses can access.

Behind the cabin, you can see the horse (and cow) trail that leads to the spring.

Coming back up the two-track and continuing west and then northwest down another two-track, you come upon these scenes. (Three views of Cathedral Bluffs on different days).

Cathedral Bluffs

A tiny Tommy in front of the Cathedral Bluffs.

From another trip when we took both my Mom and our friend Jim Westin with us. That’s Tom and Jim (waving). Hey there! 🙂

Tom with my Mom. Love those clouds!

It’s some beautiful country!

If we’d had more time, I would love to have taken Diane to see this view. Okay, back to the current trip.

Diane looking to the east.

Lots of poop on the road. A good sign!

Way out there, we see some dots. Wild horses laying down. Cool!

As we got closer, they stood up to watch us.

Hi guys – 2 bachelor stallions that I recognized from last year.

Here are a few images from the last time I saw these two boys in August of 2011. They were almost in the exact same location, but on the other side of the road.

August, 2011 facing west.

August, 2011

August, 2011

As Diane and I approached, they made a slight retreat before turning right back around as we clicked away in admiration. 🙂

Taking off again.

See you later guys…great to see you again!

Part One of the trip can be viewed at the link below:

Photos are for viewing purposes only. Most images available for purchase at: http://www.NickolesPhotography.com. Images by Pam Nickoles Photography, along with all site content are copyright protected and owned solely by Pam Nickoles Photography. Photos and/or text may not be used, downloaded or reproduced in any form without express written permission from Pam Nickoles Photography. Feel free to share, but please respect my copyright.

13 Responses to “Piceance Creek/Sand Wash Basin trip, #2 – 4/12”

  1. Maggie Frazier Says:

    Super pictures, Pam – Wish I was there!

  2. katrine pett Says:

    Stunning set of pictures Pam- thankyou!

  3. Cat Kindsfather Says:

    Thank you for sharing your adventure! Beautiful country and stunning bachelors. Well done Pam! Hugs, Cat

  4. Sharon Andersen Says:

    Love reading your pictures and all the updates on these beautiful horses. thank you for sharing.

  5. Nancy Karr Says:

    I really love your photography!! Thank you for sharing. A lot of them look like New Mexico, but I’d like to know where these pictures were taken. It is not mentioned here.

  6. chris1055 Says:

    Wish I was there. The boys are so inquisitive and healthy looking. Thanks Pam.

  7. chris1055 Says:

    Love the clouds too! It’s so good your Mom can go with you.

  8. those cloud shots..look like what i hope to be Heaven..
    the perfect earth..unspoiled..without our human frailties
    beautiful stuff ! Mary Ann

  9. pnickoles Says:

    Thanks Maggie! 🙂

    Thank you Katrine. 🙂

    It really is a beautiful area Cat. Thanks! 🙂

  10. pnickoles Says:

    I enjoy sharing the horses with you Sharon.

    Hi Nancy – thank you for your kind comment. These wild horses are located in Colorado. 🙂

    Thank you Chris1055. I’m fortunate to be able to have horses to visit relatively nearby. And you’re right, it’s nice that my Mom can still get out with us too. 🙂

    You said it Mary Ann. Those clouds are amazing. Almost like you can reach up and touch them. Gorgeous country. Hope you’re doing well! 🙂

  11. nokotahorse Says:

    Well captured pictures of beautiful horses!

  12. Annie McHale Says:

    thank you, Pam, beautiful photos… ❤

  13. judilee325 Says:

    thanks for sharing pam! are these areas affected by the current wildfires in co?? i hope the horses are okay!

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